Wood Pole Inspection, Treatment, and Asset Management
Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic Tank Resin Liner Inspection
Acoustic Emission Testing Data Analysis for Composite Pressure Vessels
Wood Pole Testing
Ultrasonic Testing of U.S DOT Cylinders Using Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing
Liquid Penetrant Testing: Fundamentals and NDT Personnel Training
Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing (PAUT) of Aluminum Ship Hull Welds for Sensitization of Aluminum
Non-destructive Testing of Cement Plant Mills, Gears, and Kilns
Ultrasonic Immersion Testing – Basics
Flow Iron Recertification
Flow Accelerated Corrosion (FAC)
An Overview of Eddy Current Testing and its Applications
Drone-Based Non-Destructive Testing
Reflections on On-line and Remote Non-destructive Testing Training
Non-destructive Testing Options for Welded Steel Bridges
Data Redundancy: Confirming Non-destructive Test Results using PAUT and TFM/FMC
Acoustic Emission Testing of Steel Bridges