Non-Destructive Testing Consulting

TechKnowServ has the qualified personnel to supply and support non-destructive testing technical consulting, quality assurance/control audits, expert witness testimony, and supply of qualified personnel for heavy workforce periods. TKS provides internationally recognized expertise with extensive knowledge and experience in ASTM, ASNT codes, and the non-destructive testing industry provides internationally recognized expertise.
Level 3 Non-destructive Testing Services and QC/QA Audits
TKS routinely provides the following services:
- NDT Written practice development (including for new entities),
- NDT Method selection and implementation,
- NDT Inspection plan formulation,
- NDT Inspection project management,
- NDT Technical Reporting,
- NDT Third Party Client Representation,
- NDT Codes and Specifications interpretation
Non-destructive Testing Personnel Qualification Surveillance
Non-destructive testing personnel qualification services include documentation review, training, and qualification examinations. Documentation review is performed to assure education, training, experience and qualification examinations meet the client's code, specification and requirements.
Non-destructive Testing Certification Exams
TKS will develop and administer written and general specific examinations meeting the client's code, specification and/or requirements in accordance with ASNT Recommended Practice SNT-TC-1A, ANSI/ASNT CP-189-2006, ACCP, and NAS 410.
Non-destructive Procedure Development
Procedure development and review can be outsourced to WINS NDT to relieve the client of the burden of finding the dedicated time needed to accomplish such tasks. Industry experience combined with extensive involvement with ASNT and ASTM standards development ensures document(s) acceptable for use by your NDT personnel and clients.