Wirerope Inspection

TKS inspects marine wire rope in accordance with :
ISO 4309:2010 Wire Rope: Care and maintenance, inspection and discard
ASTM E 1571: Standard Practice for Electromagnetic Examination of Ferromagnetic Steel Wire Rope and
DIN EN 12927-6: Safety requirements for cableway inspections designed to carry persons
And other relevant standards using magnetic flux leakage, ultrasonic, acoustic emission, and other visual techniques. Cross-sectional area loss is a measure to assess a severity rating for the cable.
Decrease in Cross-Sectional Area (CSA) due to corrosion or wire breaks Severity Rating
6 x ø (~ 1 lay)30 x ø500 x øDescriptionLevel
< 2%< 4%< 10%Slight1
2% – 4%4% – 6%10% – 18%Medium2
4% – 5%6% – 8%18% – 21%High3
5% – 6%8% – 10%21% – 25%Very High4
≥ 6%≥ 10%≥ 25%Discard5
Severity RatingRecommendations
1Maintain current NDT inspection interval
2Increase NDT inspection interval
3Perform follow-up NDE in critical locations (visual, AE, etc…)
4Continuous monitoring using AE
5Retire from service/replace