Certified Weld Inspection

TKS’ CWI inspectors are certified by the American Welding Society (AWS) to perform weld compliance inspections. The current versions of AWS publications D1.1 and D1.5 are used for flaw identification and classification. TKS inspectors verify that:
AWS-prequalified welding procedures and guidelines are being followed.
All welding sequences are being followed as per the approved welding procedure.
Preheat requirements are being followed for all critical welds per approved welding procedure.
All welder certifications are current, and the appropriate welder makes the welds.
Perform random pre-weld inspection to verify the surface to be welded and the filler material to be used.
Perform visual inspections of the welding process to ensure the correct interpass temperature, root angle, and width, cleaning requirements, welding speed, etc., are being met per the approved WPS.
Proper electrode usage and storage conditions are adequate.
A proper weld cool-down process is being implemented for all critical welds.
For heavy weldments, verify joint fit-up and joint preparation.
All bevel weld splices use runoff tabs properly cut off and ground smooth after weld completion.
All gaps in member splices have been properly shimmed and welded.